Total Hours: 7
No Book to Buy - Online Text
Unlimited Test Retakes
Sponsor Approval: Please visit our provider approval page for a list of national and state sponsored approvals.
Course delivery method and format: self-paced online training.
Course Requirements:
1. Course Reading,
2. Online PostTest
3. Course Evaluation.
After successfully completing the Course Reading, PostTest and Evaluation a certificate of completion will be issued online.
Intermediate level course
Course Description: Identified and proposed causes include a need for power and control, a form of bullying and social learning of abuse. Abusers' efforts to dominate their partners have been attributed to low self-esteem or feelings of inadequacy, unresolved childhood conflicts, the stress of poverty, hostility and resentment toward women, hostility and resentment toward men, personality disorders, genetic tendencies and sociocultural influences, among other possible causative factors. This course will explore further the causes and consequences of domestic violence.
The clinician will be able to describe and clarify the different typologies of the abusing spouse.
The clinician will be able to identify potential countertransference issues when working with abuser.
The clinician will be able to describe psychodynamic intervention techniques used with perpetrators.
The clinician will be able to identify available community resources for victims and their families.
The clinician will be able to examine cultural factors that may contribute to an abusive relationship.
- The clinician will be able to describe the dynamics within an abusive same sex relationship.