Multicultural Development and Cultural Interaction (15 CE)

Multicultural Development and Cross-Cultural Interaction 

No Book to Buy - Online Text

15 Hours/Credits

Unlimited Test Retakes

Sponsor Approval: Please visit our provider approval page for a list of national and state sponsored approvals.

Course delivery method and format: self-paced online training.

Course Requirements:

1. Course Reading,

2. Online PostTest

3. Course Evaluation.

After successfully completing the Course Reading, PostTest and Evaluation a certificate of completion will be issued online.

Intermediate level course

Course Description:  Understanding culture helps service providers avoid stereotypes and biases that can undermine their efforts. It promotes a focus on the positive characteristics of a particular group, and reflects an appreciation of cultural differences. Culture plays a complex role in the development of health and human service delivery programs.


The clinician will be able to describe why the development of cultural competence and culturally responsive services is important in the behavioral health field.

The clinician will be able to differentiate the difference between multicultural development and cross-cultural interaction

The clinician will be able to understand the underlying structure of race, ethnicity, class, spirituality, sexual orientation, gender and disability.

The clinicial will be able to subdivide the steps needed to incorporate race, ethnicity and class into the psychotherapeutic process.

The clinician will be able to explain how sexual orientation plays a roled in therapeutic bias.