California Law and Ethics
Total Hours: 18
No Book to Buy - Online Text
Unlimited Test Retakes
Sponsor Approval: Please visit our provider approval page for a list of national and state sponsored approvals.
Course delivery method and format: self-paced online training.
Course Requirements:
1. Course Reading,
2. Online PostTest
3. Course Evaluation.
After successfully completing the Course Reading, PostTest and Evaluation a certificate of completion will be issued online.
Intermediate level course
This course does not meet ASWB ACE approval.
Course Objectives
1. Describe the Code of Ethics.
2. Describe how the supervisory role can be used to prevent the violation of boundaries.
3. Describe Informed Consent.
4. Identify the ethical and legal principals of confidentiality.
5. Describe confidentiality laws and the impact of those laws on the therapeutic relationship.
6. Apply ethical codes to the termination of therapy.
7. Identify Child and Elder Abuse Reporting Laws.
8. Describe unprofessional conduct.
9. Describe scope of practice.
Course Description: This course is written and posted to help professionals meet the CA BBS Law and Ethics requirement for 18 hours/credits. The course covers all major legal and ethical issues facing clinicians today.