California Cultures and the Social and Psychological Implications of Socioeconomic Position (15CE)

Total Hours: 15

No Book to Buy - Online Text

Unlimited Test Retakes

Sponsor Approval: Please visit our provider approval page for a list of national and state sponsored approvals.

Course delivery method and format: self-paced online training.

Course Requirements:

1. Course Reading,

2. Online PostTest

3. Course Evaluation.

After successfully completing the Course Reading, PostTest and Evaluation a certificate of completion will be issued online.

Intermediate level course

Course Description: Health disparities negatively affect groups of people who have systematically experienced greater social or economic obstacles to health. These obstacles stem from characteristics historically linked to discrimination or exclusion such as race or ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, gender, mental health, sexual orientation, or geographic location. This course will address these issues and help the clinician adapt to the needs of the patient.

An understanding of various cultures and the social and psychological implications of socioeconomic position and an understanding of how poverty and social stress impact an individual’s mental health and recovery.


The clinician will be able to differentiate culturally sensitive and appropriate interventions based on the race, ethnicity and language spoken.

The clinician will be able to determine resources that are available to eliminate the language barriers and communication barriers.

The clinician will be able to identify and assess the culturally diverse needs of the client.

Meets BBS state requirement for California Cultures and the Social and Psychological Implications of Socioeconomic Position.