Recognizing Impairments in the Workplace CEUs
CE Broker Tracking #: 20-618403
Online Text Course - No Book to Buy
Unlimited Test Retakes
Sponsor Approval: Please visit our provider approval page for a list of national and state sponsored approvals.
Course delivery method and format: self-paced online training.
Course Requirements:
1. Course Reading,
2. Online PostTest
3. Course Evaluation.
After successfully completing the Course Reading, PostTest and Evaluation a certificate of completion will be issued online.
Intermediate level course
Course Description: Recognize impairment in the workplace. This course will examine ethical considerations and help the healthcare professional understand regulatory requirements.
The healthcare professional will be able to identify the signs workplace impairment.
The healthcare professional will be able to apply ethical considerations.
The healthcare professional will be able to organize the Regulatory Requirements..
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